Friday, February 24, 2023

Short Questions & Answers : Class 9 - KP Boards - Unit: 1 - INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY

Question B: Write short answers for the following questions.

i. How the understanding of physics can help the biologist?


Understanding physics refers to biophysics which deals with the study of living organisms based on the principles of physics. For example, to study the process of photosynthesis, a biologist needs to understand the laws of physics as to understand the absorption of sunlight and changes in energy during a biological reaction.

ii. Which career would you like to adopt after studying biology and why?


I will choose Medicine and Surgery after studying biology by attending in MBBS. This is because, in this field I will become a doctor and can help those people with diseases. I want to become a cardiologist and my dream is to establish a fully facilitated cardiac hospital in my area.

iii. Write the translation of any three verses of the Holy Quran related to the creation of mankind.


1. Verse No. 7, Surah Al-Sajda: Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay.

2. Verse No. 12, Surah Al-Mominoon: Verily We created man from a product of wet earth.

3. Verse No. 14, Surah Al-Rehman: He created man of clay like the potter’s.

iv. Name few Muslim Scientists and their contributions in the field of Biology?


1. Jabir Bin Hayyan (721-815 AD): Introduction of experimental chemistry and many books on animals and plants including, “Al-Nabatat” and “Al-Hayawan”.

2. Bu Ali Sina (980-1037 AD): He worked on the structure, function and diseases of eye and described about 130 different diseases of eye in his book. His famous of “Al-Qanoon-fil-Tibb” has been translated into many languages.

3. Al-Farabi (870-950 AD): He wrote two books, “Kitab-ul-Nabatat” about plants and “Kitab-ul-Haywanat” about animals.

4. Ibn-Ul-Nafees: He described the circulation of blood in human body during the thirteenth century.

v. What level of organization is represented by Volvox?


Volvox is a green alga. It represents colonial organization as it lives in colonies of hundreds of volvox cells together, each cell performing different and specialized function. A volvox cell cannot live independently as each cell of the colony depends on each other for different functions in the colony.

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